Hey, guys, I’m Rachel — Nice to meet you!
Rachel’s Healthy Plate is a blog devoted to to my love of cooking and creating simple, nutritious recipes. Here I’ll be sharing my current creations and showing you that eating healthy can be quite simple. I am currently on a weight loss journey and I’m down 60 lbs thanks to the Weight Watchers program! All recipes on this site will include nutritional information as well as Weight Watchers Smart Points details. Rest assured, even if you’re not a point counter you will still enjoy my delicious recipes!
I’m glad you are here and I hope you will continue to stop by and say hello from time to time! Thank you for letting me share my passion with you.
About Me

-60lbs and counting!
I am a Kentucky mountain girl through and through — I was born in the hills and hollers of Eastern Kentucky. I currently reside just outside of Louisville, KY with my husband, Tony, our miniature schnauzer, Begley, and 6 backyard chickies.
My greatest passion is food – cooking, eating, and sharing it with people I love! When I’m not cooking up a storm in the kitchen you can find me enjoying time outdoors. I love to hike, garden, kayak, and simply enjoy some good ol’ porch sitting.
Wanna See More Food?
If you’d like to see more of what I’m eating on a daily basis feel free to connect with me over on Instagram at, @rachelshealthyplate, where I post lots of healthy meal ideas, giveaways, and more about my weight loss journey!
A little housekeeping….
All nutritional information is calculated with MyFitnessPal and may vary based on brands used. Smart Points information is calculated with the Weight Watchers app and may also vary based on brands used. All information is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Some posts contain affiliate links which means that I may receive a small percentage of the cost from the company if you choose to purchase an item through links that I provide (at no extra cost to you). I only work with and post about brands and items that I truly love and use on a regular basis in my own kitchen. Any earnings simply helps me keep the lights on here at Rachel’s Healthy Plate so that I can continue to share my passion with you!